Phase III

Phase III: Turning an Idea into a Book, Product, or Service

While the Britfield programs will have a lasting impact on all students, one goal is to assess the gifted and eager individuals who want to develop their unique ideas and exhibit the discipline to work with experts to refine their ideas into actual businesses, products, or services. This phase exists to further developing an idea, brainstorming best solutions, debating alternatives, refining thinking, and initiating a strategic plan of action. This inspiring process will be documented for other students and schools to watch, discuss, and learn from.

We will help students understand the entire creative process from concept to final product. We will assist with all areas of development and work with the students on communication and public speaking, so they can present and articulate their ideas. In addition, we will fund the journey to final products and potentially take them to market. Through our evaluation process, top students will be awarded prize money and scholarships for college.

Some areas for future development

  1. Short story publication
  2. Final draft of a movie script
  3. Book publication
  4. Advancement of business idea into a polished business plan
  5. Writing and filming commercials
  6. Development of service idea into a polished business plan
  7. Creation and launch of a website
  8. Create, market, and launch a product

Once some of the best ideas and projects in different areas (writing, business, innovation) have been chosen from schools across the country, experts will help flesh out these ideas and projects into business plans and presentations. These presentations will be voted on, and the top three students will win awards and scholarship money. The top three ideas will be further developed into a finished book, website, or product. Often, other investors may want to further an idea or provide financial support for a concept, business model, or product. While the creative process and student experience are the focus here, if an idea is compelling enough, it may go straight to market.

  • Bring in a panel of experts
  • Collaborate with top professionals
  • Process: Refine and finish
  • Fund an idea: Book, product, or service
  • Awards and financial support for top students
  • Scholarships for college