The Britfield Institute is a not-for-profit that is committed to promoting literacy and bringing creativity into the classroom. Impacting all demographics, we provide students, teachers, educators and schools the opportunity to read and write with passion while inspiring critical thinking, collaboration and communication. Working with schools and organizations across the country, we initiate interactive workshops and programs that engage students and promote creativity, literacy, leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship, along with providing complementary books and valuable resources. We collaborate with academics, business leaders, educators, and influencers who are committed to supporting education and the arts. The Britfield Institute also conducts roundtables, seminars, and panels that encourage learning and sharing ideas and information with people around the world who are committed to improving our future.
“Nos tibi viam inveniam aut faciam”
(We will find a way or make one)
Creativity, Education & the Future of Children
Think • Engage • Create